Modern agriculture can take advantage of both microtunnels and macrotunnels to increase production and improve crop quality. Both provide significant benefits for farmers by allowing for increased production and resilience to climate changes. Learn about the different aspects of these two types of tunnels to decide which is best for you.
A microtunnel is a structure that provides protection to the crop to keep it isolated from the weather. Accelerate growth and achieve higher yields. This structure is manufactured in smaller sizes. Usually up to 3 m in height and 5 m in width, and blends into the soil. Generally, microtunnels are use for early and cold-sensitive crops such as basil, radish and garlic.
The advantages of using a microtunnels are numerous
These structures help insulate the crop area from external climatic factors. Such as cold and heat, boosting better growth and production. These tunnels also provide cost savings because they do not require as much land as greenhouses to produce the same results. These tunnels reduce soil evaporation providing better water savings, thus contributing to the preservation of the resource. Finally, microtunnels allow growers to take advantage of gravel, whirlpools and direct seeding to improve soils and prevent soil erosion and soil compression.
On the other hand, a macro tunnel is also know as a greenhouse. Unlike microtunnels, macrotunnels are larger, generally between 6-10 m high and between 3 and 7 m wide. These structures are design to isolate the crop from the external climate, providing higher levels of humidity, temperature, light and CO2. Macrotunnels are use for many long-term crops and have the advantage of providing extreme insulation to the growing area. The most important advantage of using macro tunnels is the additional protection offered to the crops. This generally contributes to improved production with reduced damage from intruding animals, diseases and weeds. These tunnels can provide up to 20% more production compared to traditional field cultivation techniques.

The main difference between a microtunnels and a macrotunnels is the size
While microtunnels are relatively small and are use for early and cold-sensitive crops. Macrotunnels are much larger and are use for medium- to long-term crops. When choosing between these two types. Growers should make a careful evaluation taking into account factors such as crop size and life span. Climate and location, costs of setting up and maintaining the structure, expected income and tunnel regulation.
After all these factors have been considered. A grower can choose between using a microtunnel or a macrotunnel to improve crop yields. Microtunnels are excellent for short-term, cold-sensitive crops, while macrotunnels are better for a long-term crop that requires additional protection. We hope this information has helped you understand the difference between the two types of tunnels. Dispelling any doubts you may have.
Application of horticultural fleece in macrotunnels
The advantages of using horticultural fleece in macro-tunnels are many and should be widely considered. Horticultural fleece is an environmentally friendly resource as it is compose of recycled natural fibers. Such as cotton and recycled polyester fibers. The use of horticultural fleece as a cover material for greenhouse macro-tunnels has great potential to improve crop yields. Improve greenhouse indoor air quality and provide optimal conditions for vegetable production.
Horticultural fleece has proven to be a very effective alternative to replace plastic sheeting as a cover material for macro-tunnels. The use of horticultural fleece instead of plastic sheeting can contribute significantly. To the reduction of plastic emissions and waste generated by agriculture. Horticultural fleece is a very light material with a low density, which means that transportation, storage and installation are easier and cheaper than for plastic sheeting. Horticultural fleece is also a much more wind resistant material, which means less damage to the structure in case of strong winds.
The main advantage is its high moisture holding capacity

It has a high degree of water vapor permeability and high resistance to washing. This means that horticultural fleece can retain and regulate moisture within the macro-tunnel better than plastic. Horticultural fleece also has a higher resistance to sunlight, which results in a higher temperature inside the macro tunnel. This provides a warmer growing environment, with more stable temperatures, adding great value to crop yield and quality. In addition, horticultural fleece has greater durability than plastic sheeting. Being a much more elastic material, resistant to UV rays and able to absorb vibrations from strong winds. It can be use for much longer than plastic. Horticultural fleece is also a non-toxic material, not harmful to health and without possible crop contaminants.
We must also take into account that a great advantage of using horticultural fleece in macro-tunnels is its easy installation. Horticultural fleece is usually sold as a fabric rolled into long panels. Which makes assembly much easier than assembling a plastic sheeting. Horticultural fleece can also be easily trimmed to fit different sizes of macro tunnels. During the crop harvesting period, horticultural fleece is also easier to handle than plastic. Which means less wear and tear on the macro-tunnel structure.
The use of horticultural fleece in macrotunnels offers multiple advantages for both growers and the environment. Although horticultural fleece is a relatively expensive material, the durability and efficiency
Application of horticultural fleece in microtunnels
The application of horticultural fleece in microtunnels offers great agricultural benefits. This technique has become a reliable alternative for farmers around the world. This technique allows farmers to use horticultural fleece to improve their production. Offering a number of advantages to those who adopt it.
It provides excellent protection against cold, moisture and harmful UV rays. This prevents yield loss and stops root rot. Horticultural fleece helps growers improve their production while preserving the quality of their crops. Unlike other inert materials, horticultural fleece heats up quickly. And helps maintain the desired temperature, providing a fertile environment for crops.
In addition, it enables higher growth rates to be achieve. Because the fleece maintains moisture inside the microtunnels, crops grow with less effort. This generates high yields and allows growers to obtain fruit more quickly. In addition, using horticultural fleece improves irrigation management. This means that farmers do not have to irrigate their crops on a daily basis. This material retains moisture so there is no need to apply irrigation on a daily basis. In addition, some studies indicate that horticultural fleece helps moderate the temperature in microtunnels and reduces evaporation.
The application of horticultural fleece in microtunnels offers a number of agricultural benefits. This technique improves crop quality by providing effective protection against cold, moisture and UV rays. It helps moderate the temperature in the microtunnels, allows higher yields, reduces irrigation time and reduces the use of pesticides and herbicides. For these reasons, it is an excellent alternative for farmers interest in improving their production.