Horticultural blanket is a recent innovation in the field of agriculture. This fabric is an affordable and environmentally friendly way to cover and protect crops. During the winter and prevent damage that insects and pests can cause.
The horticultural blanket also functions as a barrier to reduce excess moisture in the soil near the plants. This mesh fabric can be use to grow a variety of crops such as lettuce, cabbage, spinach and other leafy greens. It is made from a blend of synthetic and natural materials. This heavy-duty mesh fabric is design to last up to ten years and provide reliable protection. Against disease, pests and harsh weather conditions during the winter. Due to its light weight, and ease of installation and removal, horticultural blanket is ideal for small-scale operations. This has made horticultural blanket increasingly popular with farmers, commercial and urban.
It represents a major step forward in agriculture
This fabric increases production and reduces damage from the elements. Resulting in higher profitability for farmers. Some of the other ecological benefits include reducing soil erosion, conserving soil moisture. Increasing soil fertility and preserving biodiversity. It also reduces pollution from chemical pesticides, as horticultural blanket does not need pesticides to protect crops. In addition, horticultural blanket is easier to handle and store than traditional products. This lightweight mesh fabric can be folded. Rolled up and stored in a small closet when not in use, saving space and time. This fabric is moisture and water resistant, making it perfect for outdoor use. Horticultural blanket is also multifunctional, it can be use for harvesting, processing and distributing fruit, horticultural and farm products.
Horticultural blanket has proven to be an innovative product for agriculture. Thanks to its environmental, economic and social benefits. This type of fabric has become an essential tool for many farmers around the world. As the demand for sustainable products increases. Horticultural blanket is likely to remain one of the main sources of investment for advancing agriculture.

Origin of horticultural blanket
Horticultural blanket has a very ancient origin, dating back to 1510 when the Catholic Monarchs, Isabella and Ferdinand. Ordered Castilian farmers to sow their own wool and spin it in order to market it throughout Europe. Horticultural blanket is a very fine, soft wool. Formed from the hair of a breed of sheep from southern Spain known as Manchega. Identified by its hairiness on the neck and lower body. It was develop in the Andalusian region, know as Alta Andalucía, because there are extensive pastures. Where sheep were wooled and where farmers in the area could take their flocks to graze. This story has some magic to it. As the farmers developed unique techniques to extract the wool. For the horticultural blanket from these Spanish sheep and to form their garments from it.
The need to create a soft, strong fabric that would not shrink when wash led him to develop this style of stitching obtain with burlap. Which is use to make the horticultural blanket. It is a very strong, wash-resistant fabric that forms a compact weave. The horticultural blanket is cut into thin strips, woven with fingers or wooden pins. Rolled to shape, and then cut into pieces to form canutillos, which are used to speed up the weaving process. These canutillos are connect one to the other to form the weave know as horticultural fleece.
This weaving became one of the most popular fabrics in Spain from the 20th century onwards
As potters compiled the original techniques and improved them. The main Spanish cities of the time developed production and commercialization centers. Fleece was use for all kinds of garments, from peasant costumes to dancewear. It grew in popularity until it became one of the most popular fabrics in Europe.
Today, horticultural blanket is a high quality wool fabric. Resistant to wear and washing, as well as being very soft to the touch. Horticultural blanket is still a fine and soft wool, ideal for making warm garments for our winters. This wool is still produce both in Spain and in other countries and remains a classic. For fashion lovers who want to wear unique garments.

Increase in the use of horticultural blanket in recent years
This is a very versatile and productive material that is increasingly present in gardens and orchards. This biodegradable membrane is ideal for protecting crops from frost, insects, stains and fungus. It has numerous advantages that have made it a popular choice. For those looking to grow their own vegetables, fruits and herbs. Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable increase. In the use of horticultural candles to protect crops by leaving them outdoors. This is largely because candles are cheaper and more efficient than glass or plastic greenhouses. In addition, the candles are easily reuse when the weather changes during the season. This is especially beneficial for those with limited garden space.
The blanket has a capacity that offers a host of benefits, including maintaining an ideal temperature for growing produce. This durable membrane provides additional warmth and protection during winter and torrential weather. It also prevents the soil from cooling at night, resulting in a much larger yield.
One of the great advantages of using horticultural candles in addition, is the protection they offer crops against insects
These biodegradable membranes are made of a soft, tough material that acts as a barrier between crops and insects. This invisible barrier helps prevent damage caused by pests and improves the growth rate of crops. It is also important to note the additional benefits that horticultural candles provide for the soil. They provide better drainage and prevent excessive evaporation. Resulting in more fertile soil. They also help maintain soil moisture for better plant growth. This membrane also acts as a barrier against wind to prevent wind damage.
As you can see, the horticultural candle offers numerous benefits when growing under a controlled environment. It is an economical and effective way to ensure that your garden produces the highest quality vegetables, herbs and fruits. In addition, it is a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to protect crops from cold and insects. For these reasons, the use of horticultural candles has increased considerably in recent years.